The Deportation of a Model Citizen
Film In Focus Int. Film Festival, jan. ‘23
The Montly Film Festival, TMFF dec. ‘22
Feel the Reel Int. Film Festival, dec. ‘22
Bucharest ShortCut Cinefest, nov. ‘22
Bucharest Film Awards early ‘23
Long Story Shorts Int. Film Festival, jan. ‘23
Short Stop Int. Film Festival, SSIFF dec. ‘22
SkriveCup 2021 - Vinder
"Den uendelige kronologi"
Årets Talent, Drama - Pris
Den Kreative Skole Fredericia
Årets Talentjagt Kultur - Nominering
Lokalavisen Fredericia
"... she was so nice to work with and she was so prepared each day, she knew everything by heart and she understood the human dynamic on a deep level despite. She was quite grown up in some ways. It was a joy to work with her."
" ... she rather quickly got what it was about so she didn't really need that much direction. She was quite confident in what she was doing”
Interview med Eye for Film
"She’s really wonderful and so talented"
Interview med The Monthly Film Festival
Louise G. Thygesen
- dramalærer og instruktør
Den Kreative Skole Fredericia
"Thalita er en alsidig og lærenem skuespiller. Hun har et fantastisk gåpåmod, og det falder hende naturligt at lave teater.
Hun er god til at tage imod instruktion, og fanger beskederne rigtig, rigtig hurtigt. Hun har en enorm energi og en meget positiv tilgang til tingene. Hun kan klare store roller, for hun kan huske sine replikker - også når det er en ordentlig smøre.
Hun er meget seriøs i sit arbejde, og hvis hun bliver ved, tror jeg, hun når langt.